The Bible in China

Through access to the Bible and deeper engagement with its life-changing content, the famously persecuted Chinese Church has increased in numbers and in faith. Your support brings God’s word to this abundance of believers by providing resources, training pastors and translating the Bible into minority languages. It’s thanks to you that lives are changing throughout China.   

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The unstoppable word of God in China

Watch Kua Wee Seng talk you through the extraordinary growth of the Church in China. He saw amazing change during his 28 years serving the Church as a Bible mission partner.

How does Bible Society operate in China?

The true stories of smuggling Bibles into authoritarian countries are powerful and inspiring but the way Bible Society goes about business in China has evolved over the years. 

China's churches invite us to engage in Bible translation initiatives, support Bible students, and provide training for pastors and lay preachers. Many local authorities in China have come to trust us as an organisation.

During the Cultural Revolution, Bibles were burned, but in 1987, with permission from the authorities, we helped establish a Bible printing press, known as Amity Press, in Nanjing. Since then, more than 90 million copies of Bibles have been printed there for distribution in China. From a banned book, the Bible became a bestseller in China. 

It takes much care and thought to cultivate a trusted relationship with the Chinese authorities as a foreign religious organisation. But the result is that we are able to launch many projects in China without fear of them being shut down.

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Bible Society supporters have a passion to see Chinese people engage with Bible. Right now they’re coming together to su...

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Thanks to your kind giving, we've sent discipleship materials to the Chinese city of Feicheng. Their impact has been hug...

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Will you pray for Christians in China?

Ask God to provide the Church with everything it needs to help its increasing membership enjoy a deeper relationship with God. Pray that Chinese Christians would grow in confidence, seeing more people come to faith as they open up the Bible for their friends and families. Share your prayer for China with other supporters of Bible mission today. Pray for China.

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