The Bible Course: Personal Edition

The Bible Course: Personal Edition is a new way to explore the big story of the Bible, but at your own pace, in your own time, wherever you are – on your way to work in the morning, during lunch or when the kids are in bed.

The Personal Edition is available on a new online platform that is instantly accessible on your mobile, tablet or laptop. The platform allows you to track your progress, watch the videos, listen to the Scriptures and engage with new interactive content.

While the core content is the same as the popular Group Edition, the Personal Edition allows you to experience all the benefits of The Bible Course, but on your own!

And the new course host, Joanna Adeyinka-Burford, will help guide you through the content.

A typical session includes:

  • Welcome from the course host, Joanna Adeyinka-Burford
  • An introductory teaching video 
  • Six interactive lessons encouraging you to read, review and reflect on scripture 
  • Q&A conversation video with Andrew and Joanna (after lessons three and six).

Try Session One now for free. 

If you would like to get support and tips, as well as share your experience with other people doing The Bible Course, then please join the Facebook group.