Legacy giving

Did you know that at least a quarter of our donated income comes from legacies? And when you consider that people have been remembering Bible Society in their wills since 1805, a huge amount of what we've achieved in opening up the Bible and seeing lives changed has been down to our supporters' legacy gifts.

Around the world people are waiting to experience God's word in their own language. Here at home, prisoners are asking for Bibles in increasing numbers and people who have grown up without Scripture are ready to encounter to it in new ways. This makes a gift in your will a powerful, lasting investment in change for good.

Download your free 22-page legacy pack today or call the office on 01793 418222 and we will post the booklet to you.

There’s lots more information on our FAQs page. If there's anything else we can help you with, or if you’d like to let us know you’ve decided to remember Bible Society in your will please get in touch.

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Why Catherine Pepinster is remembering Bible Society in her will

Catherine is a journalist and former trustee of Bible Society. She loves Scripture and has a passion to see it change lives. Watch the video to see what she saw when she went to Guatemala to discover the impact of Bible storytelling on disadvantaged children.

How you can leave a Legacy

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Make your will for free with these three simple steps:

  1. Head over to Bequeathed's website and start your will online for free. Bequeathed securely gathers all the information their legal adviser needs to create a draft will for you. There's a help chat there if you need it.
  2. Book an online video appointment with Bequeathed’s legal team or a meeting with a local legal firm in person. Your advisor will explore your wants and explain your options. 
  3. Your new will is sent to you along with instructions on executing it properly. If you choose a participating legal firm, they can help you sign it, witness it and store it securely for you. 

The legal firm, or Bequeathed’s inhouse legal team, provides 30 minutes of legal advice (or 45 minutes if you are a couple each making a will), and a free will at the end. If your circumstances are complicated and you require further legal advice, the advisor will explain what’s needed and give you an estimate. It's up to you then whether you accept and pay or proceed with the free basic will.


Why our supporters leave gifts in their will

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See what supporters have said about leaving us a gift in their will ...

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See the difference you make with a gift in your will to Bible Society

Get in touch

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Call the office on 01793 418222 or email [email protected]

Howard has some quick tips to help you plan your will. 

  • Think about what you have – your estate and assets – and who you’d like to be your executor.
  • Choose who you will remember in your will, including family, friends and the causes you care about, like Bible Society.
  • Decide who will write your will. Consider using Bequeathed.

Legacy contact form