Prisoners are asking for Bibles. They’re desperate to experience God’s love. You can help turn a life around today.

Will you help us meet the growing demand for Bibles in prisons today? Chaplains are telling us that more and more prisoners urgently want to read God’s word. Dominic Dring, who serves at two prisons, says he brings ten Bibles in with him and every one of them gets taken.

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This is an amazing opportunity. You can share the transformative love of Jesus with someone who has lost everything. Will you give a Bible to a prisoner today?

Your generosity will enable chaplains like Dominic to make more Scripture available to prisoners who long to meet Jesus. Every year, with your support, we send 4,000 Bibles into prisons. With more prisoners asking for Bibles, we want to provide 6,000 this year. Will you help?

You can also give prisoners the opportunity to explore the Bible in depth with others by taking The Bible Course. Richard is a prisoner who says the course helped build his confidence and understanding. He said: ‘It made me realise this is real!’ 

Dominic ministers in a high security prison

God is moving powerfully in prisons. I’ve seen more people encounter Jesus personally in prison than in decades of ministry in churches.

I remember one guy with no faith background picking up his cellmate’s routine for Bible-reading and prayer. Eighteen months later, I baptised him. With your help, I can run The Bible Course, bringing prisoners together to journey through the big story of Scripture. 

When you give someone a Bible, especially in a high security prison where people are in their cells most of the time, it’s powerful. You’re providing the opportunity to meet Jesus in the pages of Scripture.

Thank you for your support.



God is moving powerfully in prisons. Will you give a prisoner the Bible today?

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