Modern slavery

Bible Society considers modern slavery and human trafficking to be extremely serious issues that go against the biblical values that are so important to us. As a charity we hope to see people’s lives changed for good by the Bible, and so we are committed to standing against modern slavery and the abuses associated with it. 

We are committed to ensuring that our supply chain is free of both modern slavery and human trafficking, within the bounds of our influence.

Bible Society statement relating to modern slavery

Bible Society is committed to ensuring that:

  • It does not itself engage in modern slavery
  • It does not tolerate its mission or business partners engaging in modern slavery
  • It does not in any way facilitate behaviour or practices that involve or could involve those with whom it has a connection (at whatever remove) being subjected to modern slavery.

This statement is designed to bring Bible Society’s commitment to the attention of its mission and business partners and to make it clear that Bible Society:

  • Will not knowingly partner with any organisation that engages in or facilitates modern slavery
  • Will (if legally possible) take power to terminate any contract where it discovers that a mission or business partner is engaging in or facilitating modern slavery
  • Will (where it has legal power to do so) terminate any contract with such mission or business partner upon discovering that they are engaging in or facilitating modern slavery.

For the purpose of this statement, modern slavery involves one or more of the following:

  • Labour exploitation
  • Domestic servitude
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Criminal exploitation
  • Forced removal and trafficking of human organs.